NFL Blitz 2000 is the best football game i've ever played on any system and you should probably try to get it soon.
User Rating: 9.5 | NFL Blitz 2000 N64
NFL Blitz is a football game that just doesn't follow any rules. You can tackle recievers before they even have the ball, you can hit players after the plays even, and it is totally legal. Also some things have been changed from the standard football rules. To get a first down you have to go 30 yards instead of 10. This is very good though because the game is very fast paced and it is easy to get down the field quickly. Also the quarters are 2 minutes long so games go quickly. The gameplay in Blitz 2000 is really football at its core. It revolves mainly around passing when on offence, and blitzing on defence. This is much better than even football games today. Madden is way to purist for my taste. Blitz is just viceral fun.
The graphics aren't really that great except the animations which are very good. The frame rate stays steady for the most part and doesn't dip down too low at any time. The sound is somewhat unimportant. Everything sounds much meatier and louder than normal football sounds. All in all it really isn't that note worthy. Blitz really is a game that you need to play against your friends. You will have hours of fun when you get little tournaments going between several friends. When it comes down to it Blitz is just a great game. And for as cheap as it is now days you should really give it a chance, because it is worth every penny.