The best advertisment for Madden because thats all you want to play after playing this.
This game should not be a game of it's own. They should implement some of the things from this into Madden. The main part that i kinda liked if it would work everytime was the VIOCE PLAY CALLING.
The Voice Activated Play calling only works about 3/4 of the time. In fact the word that you say for them to run the play "GO" is the word that it has the most trouble understanding.
The off-season takes FOREVER. I was playing for about an hour and still had not even made it to the draft yet. Basically all you do is 10seconds of work a day and let it load for another 2minutes. You spend more time looking at a loading screen than actuall "Gameplay" if thats what you would call it.
A major problem that i don't see them fixing in this or Madden anytime soon is the way the players "play" football. The AI doesn't act anything what-so-ever like what the person does in real life. Yeah it makes the good players good and the bad players bad, but some of the decisions the AI makes is rediculous.
Last but not least, REGGIE BUSH runs a 4.3 40! Why does he only have 97 speed! my gosh.