I'm confused, to say the least. "All substance, no flash".
Training Camp is a solid idea, but it would be more fun if you had some control over a certain position or aspect of it other than just calling plays. If I wanted to watch Madden games, I could just ask some friends to play a game of '06. The training camp drills in madden (which are ludacrisly boring) are still more entertaining than calling a pair of plays, and watching your defense eat up your offense, or vica versa.
Preseason is where the meat of the game is, and apparently it appears as though it adds some aspects that Madden should've already had implemented. I mean, I'm a proponent of the whole offseason and other aspects of the game being 'expanded'.
The idea IS great, and one day this series will be something better than it is now, but right now let me summarize it in one simple statement.
EA Sports took a basic function (the Offseason) from the games it has released in the past 5 years (Madden/NCAA) that had TEN steps, and turned it into a monstrosity that is so boring it could kill.
All that playing this game did, is remind me just how really long it will be before the Football Season starts again. Can't wait for NCAA '07, either. At any rate, maybe if I play this game for a litte while longer I will discover more substance worth speaking of, because a lot of people have said that it takes a while of playing the game to get into it.
The worst part is it feels like they just repackaged Madden to take some peoples money before Madden 07 comes out -- even the soundtrack is almost identical to the Madden 06 soundtrack.