Your best bet for portable football gaming.

User Rating: 8.2 | NFL Street 2 Unleashed PSP
NFL Street 2 Unleashed is a very fun game, if you enjoy football games. The controls are a bit difficult to master, as they can be rather complicated, but once you do, you'll be performed stylish moves and wall jumps like a pro! Now, I never played the first NFL Street, so I don't know what's been improved. But I have played many football games, and I know that this one is one of the most fun football games I've played.

The graphics are very good. Every character has different shirts, jerseys, hats, accessories, etc. Just about everything is different on every character. Unfortunately, that can make it a little confusing when trying to figure out who's on your team and on the opposite team. Also, the players' faces are pretty generic, as they get repeated very often. The environments are nice, though, very detailed. And there's very little motion blurring with the psp's lcd screen during action.

Hardware-wise, there doesn't appear to be any slowdown at all during the games. But loading times can be a bit bothersome, as you'll wind up waiting a good 30 seconds to load and unload games. But, you get what you waited for, since nfl street 2 makes full use of the psp's processor power.

As stated above, the controls are pretty complex, and you can't change button assignments. I'm not too fond of triangle being the button to pass the ball back, but after you play for a couple hours, it becomes second nature. And eventually, all the controls just become second nature. Just be sure that you don't stop playing for a few weeks then come back to the game, because you'll have to relearn all the controls.

This game features some nice licensed music. There are rock and hip-hop songs in the game, however, not enough. You'll wind up hearing the same songs many times in your playing experience. The in game sound effects are very realistic, though, and create a great environment when listening with headphones on.

Overall, NFL Street 2 Unleashed is a fun game to play, which will give you probably 20+ hours of solid entertainment on single player mode. There's a very nice variety of gameplay, apart from just a football game, many minigames are present here. So, apart from the repetitive music, and complex controls, NFL Street 2 Unleashed is a must own for big football fans who own psp's. If this doesn't describe you, rent it, it's a great game to have for a few days. There, I said it...