Take NFL Street, add wall tricks, a few game modes, and whaddya know! NFL Street 2!
NFL Street 2 is ugh, NFL Street 1! If you played NFL Street 1 and tried 2, the first thought that you'd think of would be "EA MUST have their hands full with other games.".
Gameplay - 4.5/10:
When I was playing this I knew I had just wasted a good chunk of money. NFL Street 2 is the same as the prequel! Just now they added some wall tricks where you jump off the wall to throw, make catches, or juke. This new trick is the only new one in the game. And to make it worse, wall tricks give you a ludicrously large amount of trick points, which lead to Gamebreakers, which lead to no challenge at all. I guess you can't complain about NFL Street 2 taking off major factors from the first since it's the exact same game. Even the cutscenes during the game(The players start taunting after making a touchdown or sack) are the same as the prequel!! The two games are identical! Even the AI! The difficulty is just not enough. It is extremely easy to get a touchdown, especially with the help of gamebreakers! Oh yeah! Gamebreakers! Well, gamebreakers are procured after gaining enough trick points. The bar next to your team name will fill up and you have it! Or you can pocket the gamebreaker, and build up the bar again, and you'll get a super gamebreaker involving cinematic cutscenes. The first gamebreaker, like the first...again, gives you super speed and strength. Second there'll be a cutscene where you make some miraculous and ludicrous tackle or touchdown. This new enhancement of gamebreakers is just not enough to set this sequel away from its predecessor.
Game modes - 7.5/10:
The "build your team mode" is the exact same, you build a team of talentless lunk heads and try to make champions out of them. Then there is a solo mode, where you build your own athlete and set out to the streets where good ol' Xzibit will train you. You go through a series of trainings, which gets annoyingly repetetive. And you have got to be kidding me! You have to go through dance contests to progress! Come on EA, this is a FOOTBALL game, why are you making us waste our time with dance contests! They aren't even in the least bit fun either!
Graphics - 6/10:
No graphical improvement from its predecessor at ALL! But this isn't a game to look incredibly realistic, so I guess we can't blame EA entirely!
Sound - 8.7/10:
Probably the only good part of the game. The hip hop tracks nicely fit into the game's personality.
Overall - 5.7/10:
For players who have NFL Street 1, there is no need for this game, and none to compel you to usher you towards it. And for newcomers who want to give NFL Street a try, STILL don't get this game! Why get it when you can get the first for a few bucks?! But for people who absolutely insist due to new modes or nostalgia, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and recommend that you get a USED NFL Street 2.