Sequel gone bad.
User Rating: 6.8 | NFL Street 2 XBOX
As soon as I got my hands on NFL Street 1, I was addicted and playing for hours. Now that part 2 is out, I couldn't hold the grudge of getting the game and playing it. To my suprise, I didn't get addicted, noticed that some of the old elements are gone, and got to the point where I thought this sequel wasn't what I was looking for. However, though, that doesn't mean this game is bad, I'm just basically saying that part 1 is alot better then it's sequel. The graphics in the game are solid. From the character models, to what the walls look like, everything seems to take shape like it's supposed to. Either way, EABIG has always made top-notch graphics. Not a suprise here, but they could've made bigger fields and better backgrounds. Well, I do like rap, but not alot, and in NFL Street 2, rap is what it's all about. From underground rap, to current rap, it's all in here. I just wished they had an option where I could change it to Rock or Techno. Anything to take off the rap for a little while would help me. This game is worth renting at the most, but as far as owning this game, don't even bother IMO. I would consider buying this game when the price has dropped to $20-$30. But for $49.99, it's out of the question. You will most likely see yourself playing this game again, but not alot. Maybe just to go against a friend or if your really bored. Anything else is basically out of the question. You will probably get bored of it after a couple hourd of playing. In conclusion, this game isn't shaped up to be what I expected of it. I am honestly mad of how EABIG did in this sequel, but once they see what they did wrong, they'll fix and hopefully make an NFL Street 3 with better gameplay.