NFL Street 2 is a great game with 3 great game modes that will keep you playing for a long time.

User Rating: 10 | NFL Street 2 PS2
NFL Street 2 is a great game with 3 great game modes that will keep you playing for a long time. The whole game is based on the Own the City mode. It is the new thing In NFL Street 2 that the first one didn't have. There are 3 game modes. The first is the Own the City mode. It is about creating a guy and making him look APAP(As pimp as possible). You challenge the city to be the number 1 football and if you make it you get to play Xzibit's team. There is a new option called the Store where you can go and buy anything from hair cuts to clothes to gear. This makes the game so much better to be able to buy stuff. The Second game mode is the NFL challenge where you put together a team to take on NFL teams. You have 250 days to improve your squad before you are entered into a tournament against NFL teams. When you begin you get to pick your teams name, logo, colors for your logo and and create 7 players. The final game mode is the NFL Gauntlet. You pick any team and go against every team in the NFL picking them off 1 by 1. The game play is really easy and and you can pick up the controls in about 20 minutes. The graphics are really good and don't have any glitches. The sound effects are amazing accept for sometimes when the players talk before and after a game there mouths are out of sap. This is a great game that will keep you playing for a long time and is well worth the money.