User Rating: 9.8 | NFL Street XBOX
After playing NBA street for about, oh, two days i got real old of the game. When NBA street 2 came out, i figured why even bother. And when i saw the picture on the front of NFL street i was like STUUPIIID. but what i found was something that i hadnt had as much fun since i played Blitz back in the day. Starting off on the beach, being a cartoon looking Brett Favre, destroying those cursed Eagles, what else can you ask for. As you can tell i got this game after 1/11/04, well i guess id have to since the game wasnt out at that time, but enough on that subject. A truly good game, also intices you even if your the only one in your house sitting on ur couch wondering weather to play this or Rainbow 6 3. It might give it a run, notice i said might. The gameplay is very in your face. It has a great party value to it also, just a great game in its own right.