This is nothing but a sorry excuse for an EA Sports BIG game. Pitiful.

User Rating: 4 | NFL Street PS2
EA BIG has been getting a lot attention over the past few years, with big time franchises like SSX, Def Jam Vendetta, and NBA Street(my favorite), all of which are great franchises to say the least. However, if EA BIG stepped into the NFL, you'd figure it'd be pure gold after wnat it did for the NBA. No way. Not even close. This is a slapdash and sorrowful game that is a disgrace to bear the NFL license. First, you have a good control scheme that plays like a football game should, a decent soundtrack, except it has too much rap (rap sucks), and the ability to cutomize every aspect of your own team, from your players to your logo, olus NFL Legends are big in this game. So, what's the problem? The problems are numerous. First, pulling off stunts are hard, since every time you pull off one, you're very likely to fumble the ball, which is crap. Also, the NFL Challenge mode has serious difficulty and balance issues. You can create your custom team, but your team starts off so poor that you can't even beat the Cardinals. THE CARDINALS!! Also, if you are looking to score some extra experience points or an NFL player to add to your team, better come ready for aggravation, because you are limited to the number of challenges, which they are called, that you can do. They cost tokens that you can spend at every division of the NFL, and if you spend them, but can't beat the challenge, they're gone forever. Complete and total crap. The challenges are set up poorly, with the same extremely perfect AI as in any other game you play in the game. The AI seems to always throw a bomb and run to the endzone in one play, and your custom team can't keep up with the speed or their wide receiver. Bad balance all through this game is what plagues what could have been a great game. a fun multiplayer makes this game keep from being a complete disaster, but only against a friend, not the computer. Also, get the Xbox version, as it has custom soundtrack compatibility, if you must get this crappy excuse for a football game. It's always better to listen to your own tunes, I say.