EA Sports revolutionizes football games with its creation: NFL Street. In NFL Street, you play as a football team that you create in the roughest version of football you can find. You create your team and customize their every detail, from their hair style and color, to the type of pads that they wear. Then you take them out to the field to beat up on them. NFL Street’s graphics are above average, but not great. The character models look pretty good from a distance, but when you get close up, they don’t look very life-like. The animations in-game are varied, but there are very few celebration animations, which is unfortunate since the game emphasizes offence and scoring. You never play at a venue that is remotely like a previous one, they are all so different. The fields are well drawn, but the bystanders behind each end zone are poor and unrealistic. NFL Street’s gameplay isn’t much different than other football games on the market. The play calling is much simpler in Street than in, say, Madden. In Street, the plays are in 3 different groups: Run plays, Pass plays, and Trick plays which makes it a very easy to find the play you need. The on field controls are simple as well. Once the ball is hiked, if it is a pass play, letters representing the buttons on the controller show up over the receivers’ heads. No surprises there. When you have possession of the ball, you can do style moves to taunt your opponents and gain style points, but beware, for if you are hit while styling, you will almost certainly fumble the ball. A truly unique feature to NFL Street that separates it from other football games is the Gamebreaker. When you earn style points by doing style moves, scoring a touchdown, causing a fumble, etc a meter at the top of your screen slowly rises. Once your meter is full, you can use your Gamebreaker. A Gamebreaker gives your players extremely boosted abilities. If you use an offensive Gamebreaker then you will almost never fumble the ball and you will be very hard to tackle. If you use a Gamebreaker while on defense, you will almost be guaranteed a fumble on every tackle. Your opponent also has the opportunity to get a Gamebreaker by the same means that you do, so keep your opponents from styling too much. The sound in NFL Street is average, from the music to the taunts on field. One redeeming feature lets you use custom soundtracks while on the menus, but unfortunately not while you are on the field. The in game taunts are slightly varied, with the normal “You’re goin’ down” type of taunts. The tackling sounds are realistic so it actually sounds like you are tackling somebody. Overall, I think that NFL Street should be added to your xbox collection even if you are not a football fan. It’s loads of fun especially with friends since it includes split screen multiplayer.
Once upon a time, EA Sports released a little gem called NBA Street. Inspired by the likes of NBA Jam, it stole the show with its ability to combine the NBA game and the style and flare of street basketball. The game's a... Read Full Review
Ok, I'm not one for football games. I've never done well in games like Madden or whatnot. But, I enjoyed NFL Blitz, so I figured I should rent this game. I did, and I eventually bought it. Why? Well, because its fun to p... Read Full Review