This game is a big step forward but as far as gameplay, But the AI goalies takes 5 steps backward

User Rating: 7.8 | NHL 06 PC
Why cant EA make a good hockey Sim. thier soccer and baseball games are great but hockey is still back there not quit developed with the times. i mean the first time i played an ea nhl game was 98 and it was amazing i must of played atleast 500 games in nhl 98. but as years come and go some of thier games turn out good nhl 02 04 both great but all miss that little somthing that would make em prefect and realistic. actully that is the problem they cant make the game be alot like the nhl itself. after this years development in gameplay hopefully they can achive a better goalies niext year. if they get the right to all the hockey equipment that would be nice sinces its no fun playing againts goalies in white pads. good luck EA u need it