I'll start off by saying this is waaaay too underrated, it's great but the poblem here is people seem to forget is that when u buy a hockey game, it's so you can play hockey, you don't buy a game because you want to trade Luongo to the Canadiens, no, you buy it simply too smash people into the boards and get a couple of fights, do amazing passes and score one-timer goals with 4 seconds left. Thats hockey! And the opposing nhl 2k6 is just less fun, the gameplay is awkward compared to nhl 06 but on the flipside theres alot more to do, other than hockey. Say what you want but nhl 06 is a great hockey game.
I love NHL 05...i mean 06. so little has changed since last year that i thought i was playing 05 alot of the time, which to me is not a bad thing. Though its gameplay is not as good as 2k6s is, it is still enjoyable. Th... Read Full Review
Gameplay: 7 Why: NHL games have been around for a long time. Having said that, you'd think by now companies could come out with a game that is true to hockey, in realism and design. Unfortunately, since the gaming compa... Read Full Review