NHL 07 is a move in the right direction. Innovation has never been a strong point with EA, until now.
The first thing you will notice is the new analog controls. Gone are the days of button mashing and cheap one-timers. With the new analog control, you move the stick with the right analog. Everything from deking, to shooting wristers and slap shots, all is controlled by you. You can fake a slap shot and deke with fluidity. It is downright sweet.
With this comes a bit of a learning curve. It took me about six to eight games to get comfortable with the new system. Once I got comfortable, I would never use buttons again. To actually have control of how hard my player shoots and the location, going top shelf has never felt so sweet.
One thing that is noticeably missing is the lack of a turbo button. I miss it. I believe that EA may have taken the turbo out to reduce the odd man rushes. Either way, it needs to be in the game and give the player the ability to toggle it on or off. Another difference to the controls is the passing. Now you aim towards the player you want to pass to and then press the right trigger. The longer you hold the trigger, the more loft you put on the pass. The passing system needs work. Too many icing calls. One thing you will notice, when you pull off a one-timer you feel that it is earned. To actually have to time the receiving player's shot on a one-time pass makes it feel like true hockey and adds to the immersion.
The A.I. needs work but is challenging. Too many times my guys stand and watch the puck after a faceoff but for the most part they react in a realistic manner that does not impact gameplay.
With EA sitting out last year, we all expected huge upgrades in the graphical department. Trust me, EA delivered big time. The graphics are incredible. The detail on the jerseys, the live arenas and puck physics are outstanding. The new goalie animations are the best in any hockey game. The goalies actually glove pucks, sprawl, flop, etc. without looking scripted. It is awesome to see.
One other little touch I noticed -- mullets are in the game....
The one thing that does lack is the framerate. Hopefully, EA will crank up the framerate in all sports titles next year to 60 FPS, which is something that has hindered all next-gen EA sports titles.
As far as extras, the dynasty mode is excellent. The create-a-player is in the game but it is bare bones compared to what current gen gamers are used to. Yes, you can input your name and local but cannot customize faces or hockey gear, which is odd. All in all, I am very pleased with this year's effort. EA is doing next-gen gamers right by not porting over a current-gen game but starting from scratch. They continue to build on the solid foundations in all its sports titles, gamers will be taken back to the Genesis days....