Everybody was hype for this game ever since EA annouced the new features. It really good if you know and love the game o

User Rating: 9.3 | NHL 07 X360
Good: The gameplay is really good.The skill stick is really amazing it makes me feel like I am scoring the goals instead of pushing buttons. It makes really comes to together on breakaways and the in shootouts. I really happy they added Gary Thorne and Bill Clement back to hockey. It feels like I am watching them on ESPN again. Even though I have not tried the dynasty mode yet(I play based on my team real schedule) it looks great. There is a lot of things can do off the ice like in NHL 04. The cut scenes are beatiful especially on the players reacting to a goal. The is loud when there team is performing well and silent when there asses are getting beat. EA took advantage on the new shootout rule by adding a special feature. If you don't wait for a tie during a game you can just jump in as a new mode. Bad: Even though the gameplay is good the hits are not hockey enough with out messing with the sliders. The puck physics are good. I am glad EA took out those puck injuries from 06. Whenever it hit the goalie the keeper will be nock out for a few seconds just enough to score an easy goal. Even though that stuff is gone there is still BS goals. For example whenever the puck gets behind the goalie's skates he has a tendencie to skate backwards and push the puck into the net. It is rewarding when playing on Supestar but not on a lower level. The CPU AI is a little better but they come after you alot even on the highest level.

Overall the game is the best hockey game ever. It would be nice if the added Free4All again but hopefully next year. Hockey is back with a vengence against NHL 2K series.

Imporvements for 08: More game modes,add real minor league rosters, bring back Open Ice Control, and goalies try more to stop the puck from trickling into the net.