this is the beginning of next gen hockey sort to speak
gameplay 7/10
though the graphics and layout have been improved, the one lacking part of this game is its gameplay. the movementsare smooth and accurate, but the gameplay and speed is outright slow for my taste, even on max speed, it feels more like a march than a run. also the AI is something to work out. the goalies are of AAA calibur letting in the most ridiculous goals. the defense set up is average at best, as a glitch maybe only in my copy, but they always rush up and a breakaway ensues. ive won many games on the hardest level by 7 goals cause of that glitch and lost many gamescause of a wrister from 80feet going in. controls 8/10
probably the best controls in any hockey game, but still has a big problem for me. the right thumbstick is put to great use offensively, but is really not that great in defense and puck battles. youll be checking a opponent with the thumbstick only later to have control of the puck and shoot it without knowing. though in offense its probably the most accurate and best featureof this game.
graphics 8/10
this is what graphics should look like on the next gen. though its the first hockey game wth the upgraded graphics, it can and probably will be improved in the next installment. the players are sharp and niceto look at.
storyline 6/10
playing through half a season i was already getting bored of the repetitive and meaningless emails, the season didnt go really into depth and the combination system really didnt add anything for me.
best feature
the right thumbstick use of OFFENSE
graphics are of next gen worst feature
the AI intelligent is lacking harshly
speed of the game felt like watching the world juniors the rght thumbstick use for defense, felt awkward at best