Just NHL 07 with an 08 sticker? Don't care, Didn't play 07 :P

User Rating: 8 | NHL 08 PC
I got this game just two days ago for the PC, been enjoying it, wasn't overly impressed with the graphics, they're not quite up to the par of NHL 2k7 for my Xbox 360 but they're passable.

Gameplay I found to be fun and enjoyable, using the analog stick for shooting and checking took some getting used to but I found it better than 2k7's method of shooting which relied heavily on one timers.

Audio was, well good, I haven't seen anything too innovative in a hockey game as far as sound goes, so its just... yeah good.

Overall, I just find NHL 08 to be a solid hockey game, don't know how it stands up to NHL 2k8 due to me being too cheap to purchase more than one hockey game a year, Just wish it had the classic teams that NHL 2k7 had (with the REAL names instead of just the numbers, that would be great). If you like hockey games and didn't play 07, I suggest picking up this game, but from the looks of things its just a re-hash of 07, so go find 07 in your local bargain bin