The Best Hockey Game Since The Old Sega/NES Days

User Rating: 9 | NHL 09 X360
This is by far the greatest hockey game since the old classic Sega/Nes days...

im going to start with the things ive noticed well playing be a pro mode

1. too me it seems like the cpu team players have a slight advantage over the user controlled players team (ie my team when im on the bench cycle the puck way too much yes i know there looking for the right shot but i would rather have them shot the puck a lil more than cough it up 9/10 times where as the computer player team shots alot more even if it isnt a good shot..anyone else notice that?)
2.DONT LET the computer do a wrap around cause it seems like this is a glitch goal cause they usually score that way
3.ive never seen a goalie flop down so much (minus the thought of hasak lol) i dont know if its just me but my goalie (justin pogge) seems to think its alright to flop to ice at the most stupidiest times and usually gets burned for doing that.
thats about all i can think off for dislikes

Thing's i like about be a pro mode
1.i love the fact that you get to sit on the bench and watch the game unfold in front of your eyes..nothing says "wicked" like seening a hipcheck right in front of you well you watch from the bench or as the puck bounces down the ice from a flip clear or the puck wrapped around the boards and slides down the bench
2.finally they got the puck over the boards call
3.taking screen shots for your player card/cards and uploading them along with video of a cool hit or wicked goal
4.the whole thing that your not in control of the team that you could be traded or sent back to minors is very cool(i cant wait too get near trade deadline too see if i get dealt or not)

all in all this is by far the best hockey game ive played in yr's..if your a hockey nut buy this game if you want a fun sports game buy this game

and here is a list of things i would love to see in '10
maybe if we speak up now EA might listen and add some for '10

Things i would like to see in NHL'10

2.the ref's and linesmans name at during the warmup screen
3.coaches disagreeing with so/so calls misconducts (for starting fights/hitting from behind/slashes and so on)
5.when the home team scores and they are announcing it over the PA they get into it like they do in real life
6.hit of the night/week,save of the night/week,goal of the night/week
7.highlights of other games during intermission(this would be really cool feature during a tight playoff race)
8.better goaltending
9.powerplay and PK stats popups