My favorite sports game of all-time.... almost
First off, let me say that the graphics are incredible. Facial features are very nice, and all of the other on ice stuff looks great. Sure, the stands and the crowd look like the players from NHL 98 (at best), but EA focused the graphics on where your attention would be. Believe me, your attention will be drawn to the ice for the entire game.
Let me start with Be A Pro mode. Absolutely addictive. I suggest creating your own character and building from there, because it's a lot more fun than playing with an already existing player. Basically in Be A Pro mode, you control one character for the entire game. Sounds boring, but it isn't. You can call for passes so you can essentially get as many shots as you want. Your coach also gives you grades on position score (just follow the blue arrows), team play (don't turnover or commit offsides), and stats (self explanatory). Based on what position you play, you need different stats more than others for the stat score. For example, goals are more important for a forward, while plus minus is more important for a defenseman.
You can also take your character online with the EASHL. You can play with random players, or get invited to a club and play with them. Clubs are a lot more fun as they aren't as much puckhogs as everyone in the random EASHL games are.
That brings us to the community. More often than not, you will meet people who are either puckhogs, or shoot "cheap goals", or goals that a normal goalie would save, but the computer goalie is too incompetent to save. That is the one thing that makes this game frustrating at times, especially in ranked matches.
The gameplay itself simply makes sense. You can play with NHL 94 controls (press buttons to shoot), or NHL 09 controls. With NHL 09 controls, you aim with your left analog stick, and shoot with your right. For a wrist shot, simply flick the right analog stick, for a slap shot, hold it back then flick it up. The controls are fluid, and work out very well. Although the 94 controls are probably better for beginners.
Overall, this is a must own game for any sports game fans out there. It doesn't matter if you don't like the NHL. Trust me, you will love this game.