Although there is some differences in NHL 10 compared previous years there isn't to much change, a bit harder
The gameplay, (Be a Pro) (Dynasty) isn't really been changed much other then a few new aspects that are the same as online play. They have added a board play feature meaning you can pin your opponent to the boards with the puck instead of trying to hit them.
The good of this new aspect, you can now "dump and chase" which helps when trying to get into the opponents end.
The bad of this new aspect, it makes it a lot harder to slip between you and your opponent between the boards. Also much like the stick lift feature you will play people that use this feature way! to much.
The online play is some what better. I found that it was much more organized then previous games. Which helps when trying to find buds to play with. Another aspect some what online based is your can now purchase/unlock attribute boost for your be a pro character that can be used online and offline in Be A Pro mode. This helps because with this feature you can also customize your online character more.
All around NHL 10 isn't a bad game it's just not a total masterpiece compared to the other years of the NHL franchise.