Why do I keep hoping for a full game?

User Rating: 6.5 | NHL 11 PS3
The NHL series comes down to one simple fact. NHL10 may have been worth 60$, NHL 10 + NHL 11 is definitely not worth 120$ and NHL 9 + 10 + 11 is definitely not worth 150$... or 120$ for that matter.

There's a lot of good to be said about NHL 11. The physics engine, though I don't think there are enough physics in it to really call it a physics engine, is a rather nice addition. And the RFA/UFA feature shows that EA does listen to it's users, it takes them a decade or so but, they get around to it. The actual gameplay is also much more realistic feeling than other games in the series. But there are a few things that bother me.

The goalies - There is no point is being a goalie. The Be A Pro for goalie is -still- laughable. With an average of 8 shots against on Pro. All-Star does make it more enjoyable than previous but you'll still get 10-15 shots less than the other goalie. Added to all this, you now need to press a button to cover up the puck, the puck which you can not see because your goalie is in the way. So after every save you basically have to take a risk, will your goalie get the puck, or leap out of the crease at some figment of his imagination. Generally, the best idea seem to be to just take the risk but, it's a new addition to the game that is an obvious downgrade from the previous NHL game. The goalie mode has not gotten better, it's gotten worse. It feels like an after thought and, at this point, it quite obviously is. I think it's about time we just accept that EA is not up to the challenge.

The Be A GM mode is much more fun. But it has unforgivable flaws to it that make it unplayable. The one flaw that stands out is that if you get one player injured, the AI will take it upon itself to completely change your lines, and I do mean completely. Tried burying a bad contract in the minors? It's impossible now, the AI will just bring it back up the second you get an injury. The thing is, it doesn't just change your lineup, it makes Roster moves, and not just ones linked to the injury, it sees the excuse and it just changes everything. This makes the mode supremely un-enjoyable and just unplayable, really. Yet another unfinished feature, not much of a surprise.

There are quite a few other problems. There is no actual elbowing in the game, it's just a penalty that gets called on random hits.

That being said, the game is very enjoyable if you don't get committed to it (ignore any long term game modes) or just play online. Personally, at this point, it seems like NHL 12 should just drop all the modes they've failed miserably and simplify the game. Then sell it for $4.99 on PSN.