Save Your Money

User Rating: 3 | NHL 15 X360

I'm not one to leave comments and I don't even consider myself a gamer. The only titles I purchase are NHL and COD. I'm hoping my comment however will save at least a few people $60. I hate bashing NHL, but '15 is just plain awful. I purchased it today and after playing for a few hours, I have to say it's a major disappointment. I won't go into detail about the fact that there's nothing of relevance that is new; all this has been addressed by others. That which is new however, such as the commentary, is just plain bad. It sounds unrealistic and robotic with no flow. There are awkward pauses and pitch changes during commentary that make the announcing unrealistic.

Another disappointment is all the old player names that were stored and could be added to created players/created teams, are gone. I assume this is due to the new commentary. EA probably didn't bother creating new sound bytes for the names that are not current.

The only thing that could make NHL 15 better is if EA would continue to update rosters on NHL 14, then I would trash NHL 15 and stay with the '14 version.

I was foolish in assuming NHL couldn't get worse and at a minimum would stay the same as the previous version. Shame on me, I should have played the demo prior to spending the money on the new version. I hope people will try the demo before, so you can see for yourself.

I will say this though. EA got ONE thing right with NHL 15. They put Bergeron on the cover. Go Bs!