The lack of effort in this game prompted me to make an account.
I get that in the grand scheme of things that this is a 'First World Problem', but feel it should be addressed anyways. I've been playing games since the 80s and have always enjoyed gaming as a way to decompress after a hard day. Now that I have kids, I enjoy my time - albeit much less - that much more.
I've purchased the NHL franchise for years and have always enjoyed the experience with my friends and by my lonesome. A few of us 'old timers' had a heck of a year with GM Connected with NHL 14. What was sold as NHL 15 can only be characterized as a business failure. Generic menu music, clunky menus and modes that are eliminated or a shell of heir former self are unacceptable for a next-gen console. I have no issue spending a few bucks on a quality experience. This is not it.
EA can 'tweet' and have their communications department PR and 'spin' this all they want. The fact remains that they sold a substandard, unacceptable product to a loyal fan base. That is just bad business.
Thanks for listening internet and EA, I hope you are listening too.