This is the absolute worst NHL game of the series. EA really missed it this time by not creating a season mode.
The graphics and commentary are great, simulation is OK but the modes are absolutely terrible. I like the idea of playing on line but for me personally sports games should have a descent option to not have to. I also am not into RPGs therefore be a GM is not really for me. If you want to just play a single game or playoff series you may like it but the element of getting to the playoffs and wining the cup is missing making the game worthless. Some may say that there is a season setting Be a Pro. however that is for those of you that want to play the game as if you are apart of the team not very fun sitting on the bench waiting to recover or hoping for your teammate to pass you the puck. Also EA tried to add a practice mode to the game without any settings just you and the goalie. no 2 on 1, 3 on 2, 1 on 1 etc. EA says that some updates are coming but is not saying what they are.
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