Wow, talking about being a day late on this one. I just picked this game up at Gamestop for a measly $5.99. I'll have to say that this is the best deal in handheld games for a hockey fan. It looks identical to the NHL 97 on the Genesis. The gameplay is awesome, and it's not a pushover like the older ones. I highly recommend this for hockey fans. I had Gretzky 06 on the PSP, and, well, basically it sucked. What NHL 02 sacrifices in graphics, (which isn't much) it more than makes up for in gameplay. I have NHL 92 thru 2007, amongst the genesis, N64, XBOX, PS1, I know my hockey games. When I'm not throwing down on the 07 versions, I'm putting the hurt on Colorado on the Gameboy Advance. My only complaint, is that this version is missing the ol' "player into the wall" clunking sound of the Genesis versions. One recommendation, though, play it on the DS Lite, so that you can crank up the brightness. Enjoy 10/10
When they said that the GBA had the same kind of engine that the SNES had, I was praying they'd just re-release certain SNES games I loved onto this system, and that's pretty much what they did with NHL 2002. It's really... Read Full Review