One step forwad, five steps backwards.

User Rating: 6.6 | NHL 2005 PC
So, at first glance the menus and interface work for me much more than last year. I find things easier, and the whole user interface is much more friendly and crisp. (Side note: I have been a web & graphic designer for UI for the past seven years, and own my own business. So I know a bit more than the average joe about UI) It can always be better, but definitly a step up from last year crapy interface. Gameplay: I like the gameplay so far. The open ice is a good feature. Now, the gameplay is not amazing compared to last year, but a bit better than last year. Dynasty: Much better than last year because of the UI, but no comparison with Madden dynasty mode. No All Star Game, that is BS. Maybe, they will listen to us for NHL2340 and include the all star competition. Biggest Issue with the game... LACK OF CUSTIMIZATION. The create a team is lame, nothing compared to Madden or the old FIfa games. No CAP. No way to edit players. There is so much that fans have asked for that is not in the game regarding custimization. So, at the end, the game is not bad, but I feel that because of the lack of customization, I will get bored with it after two to three weeks.