This is the best Hockey Game out there!! Read my review to find out...
_ The gameplay in the game is awsome! Its actually very fun because the movements are very realistic and its very fast paced (like a hockey game should be). There is also an ultimate control golie type thing where the only player that you control is the golie. This is very fun because you get nervous when someone is going to shoot the puck at you and all in all its really fun! There are also some different modes in this game. One of them is Franschise mode (my favorite one!) witch is basically you picking a team and taking it through as many seasons of NHL action as you want. Ofcourse along the way you can win stanly cups, trade players, hire rockies (i think i spelled that wrong), release players, and ofcourse play the games!. You can also improve team morale by getting winning streakes. Team morale is important because it can help make your players have high attributes so they will play better. Another mode in this game is the season mode witch is when you get to go through a whole NHL season and the playoffs mode witch is basically you going through playoffs in the NHL. There are alot of other modes in this game but if I mention them all this review will be WAYY TOO LONG! Another great thing about this game is the graphics witch are great considering its for the XBOX not the 360. The team jerseys look very realistic and the ice also looks great. The graphics are just awsome in this game!! THE BAD:
With every game comes the bad parts and in this section of the review I will tell you the nt so good parts of NHL 2K6. One thing that is a little bit annoying is the commentary witch is actually a little annoying. Although it isn't as bad as some wrestling game commentary is, its still pretty annoying and it could be better. They should have put Doc Emeric instead of that other guy they have anouncing in this game. ALl in all commentary is bad and gets reppetetive and annoying. Another bad part of this game is the crowd chants witch sound HORRIBLE!!! It basically sounds like a bunch of computer voices put together chanting stuff. yes....its that bad and leaves so much to be desired. If only they worked on the chants a little bit and made them sound a little more realistic then the gameplay would be alot better and feel like your actually there. i mean AT LEAST let the chants actually sound like humans!!! CONCLUSION:
well all in all NHK 2K6 is probably the best hockey game I've every played. It does have its minor problems but it still doesn't make this game bad. in fact, this game rules and if any of you people are hockey fans then this game is the exactly the right one for you...go out and get it cause if you don't already have it then your missing out!!! well thats it for the review