Not a bad hockey game, but certainly not the best. Besides that, it really doesn't take advantage of the 360.

User Rating: 5.9 | NHL 2K6 X360
This is the first hockey title I've played on the 360. Actually, I think it's the only one available right now. But, overall, my opinion of NHL2K6 is not that great.

The graphics on this game aren't bad at all. They look good, but not 360 good. To be honest, they don't look any better than EA's NHL 06 looks on the standard Xbox. That's a disappointment considering what the 360 can do visually. I would have hoped they would take advantage of that power.

From a sound perspective, the commentary is quite good and the overall sound effects are realistic. I wouldn't complain about that at all. There's nothing earth shattering about the sound, but it's good.

The gameplay of NHL2K6 is just average. I think it's a preference thing, to be honest. If you've played previous versions, you may be comfortable with it. But, in my opinion, it's not as fluid as EA's version and not as responsive, either. Granted, EA doesn't have a 360 version, so you don't have many options. But, 2K's version didn't do much for me so I'm inclined to stick with EA on the old console. I guess that says a lot for my opinion of this game.