This game is not worth playing, wait until the series get better!
There are some cool features in this game, as shooting with a real life shooting motion with the Wiimote. But the graphics is lacking, the raw hockey feeling is not really there and sometimes the AI is just tooooo stupid.
Difficulty: GOOD
Well, it's hard to play on the hard settings, but maybe for all the wrong reasons. The challenge lies mostly in making your players do as you want them.
Game length: GOOD
As in all newer hockey games, there is some different game modes to choose whether you want to play one single game against a friend or play a whole season with your favorite team. The season option could be better and easier in a perfect world.
Stability: OK
The game never crashed for me, but I did not played it so much either.
Control: BAD
I guess you come in to the feel after a while with the weird way of moving your players. The shooting part is really cool! But then it can be really hard to control the way you want the AI on your team to play and sometimes it's all too frustrating for my taste. I didn't understand how to use the goalie in shootout mode even if I tried it a few times, and please believe me, I'M NOT STUPID!! The fighting part gets me a headache.
Graphics: OK
It's an action game and the feeling is more important than the looks. But I'm not to thrilled with it and I know there are better graphics in other NHL games.
Detail: BAD
There is little graphical detail other then the essential. Both the in game graphics and the menu boards feel lacking of something that I can't put my finger on, but I'm missing something! Other detail, like movement and such, are also just what it HAS to be, not more.
Music: OK
Well, I don't like the songs they have chosen, but I'm sure that others – maybe mostly younger people – do. I had one track that went on and on and on since I put all the others away. "Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna doo.." Well, at least I could choose which one I wanted.
Cinematic: BAD
The generated intro movies doesn't feel good. It would be nice to have some kind of intro movies about the team you have chosen for a season, but there isn't.
Quantity of units / skills / spells / whatever: GREAT
Well, I don't miss anything here! All the boys are there with faces and all their skills, and I can make my own players as I want them and even give them certain looks with special sticks and such. GOOD! And there is even old teams like my favorites, Vancouver Canucks 93 team!
Possibilities / Choices to make: OK
Since there are many choices to make before you play the game it self, I don't have hart to write BAD on this particular part of the game. But because there are little choices to make in game, I can't give the game better then OK. It's not good enough in game!
Story: N/A
Tension / Excitement: OK
Well, some times I felt like there was a really hard and exiting game going on, but not for a whole game. The tension lies mostly in getting the players where you want them and then be able to use the controls as you plan.
Humor: N/A
Have not found anything humoristic in the game, but I have not looked far either.
Singleplayer / multiplayer usage: GOOD
Well, as all NHL games, this one is also suitable to play against friends and enemies around the world.
Game editor: N/A
Well, don't waste your time with this game, wait until the 2K series get some more ground under their feet.