A few dodgy spot dont ruin a solid game
This results in sub par facial likenesses, poor transitions from animation sequences, wooden characters while not in-play and a not so finely tuned control schemes. Menu's are menu's - who cares. They also cut some of the extra features from last year. You cant scratch players for instance on the rosters? Even tho some are listed as being sratched by default (rushed).
That said the game has superior "in-play" animations than its competition. Players move more physcially correct and will catch knees, move with momentum, checking is more realistic and players will fall out of and back into being in balance very nicely. Players will fall and guys will trip over them very realistically. Plus fighting is probably the best ive seen it since EA's nhl96 "blood on the ice." (Still cant figure out why theres no blood in hockey games)
The AI is a step up from last year. The computer doesnt seem to cheat nearly as much and proper hockey strategy seems better implemented. The stick work is also better and you can strip guys of the puck more easily and pop the puck against the boards around opponents if youve got a little touch.
So if your into the actual gameplay then the title is solid. Its not going to blow your socks off with its spit and polish though.