Suprisingly good. 2K answers up to some stiff competition with terrific detail and control schemes that matches NHL09.
The overall game quality matches EA. Smooth animations and frame rate. Solid sound. And terrific detail keeps this game interesting. Frame rate is fantastic.
*Player models are dated. EA did a fantastic job with their game at a cost in frame rate for certain parts of the game.
*Announcers are average at best. (EA hockey has the best announcer team for any sports game period. I think its a combination of talent and voice tech).
*No minor hockey leagues. I will assume a licensing issue here.
*Hockey puck physics are a touch off from EAs more realistic version. Still very believable though.
*Outstanding Arena detail.
Awesome team logo animations for the game intros (better than EA).
*Fantastic crowd detail both graphics and sound. (2K sports rules this category)
*Terrific animations. The best checking I have seen to date.
The player skating actually has better detail than EAs game. You have to go to practice to see what I mean. The skaters don't float as bad as EA's game does. Very smooth stuff here.
Skaters glide down the ice when idle like they should whereas NHl09 they just slow to a stop quickly.
*Fantastic details in general:
All 3 refs are in the arena with the players. EA couldn't pull this off. Add to this the fact that the refs actually dodge pucks and move around realistically. Goal nets come loose, players pin other players against the walls. Didn't see this in my copy of EAs game.
What sold me on this game was the fact that the 2K devs swallowed their pride and copied the EA dual stick control scheme from last year. Had they not done this then I would have passed on this game. Very smart move of 2K.
Those open-minded hockey fans that can afford it should buy this game in addition to EAs. It makes up for a lot of EAs shortcomings.
Just imagine where the Madden series would be if EA had competition like they do with Hockey. Support 2K if you want to see high quality hockey games come out period.