Another underrated season for 2k9

User Rating: 9 | NHL 2K9 X360
Never seen such hype for a hockey game like NHL09. Don't get me wrong NHL09 is just as equally great as this year's NHL2k9, but the masses rule over the underrated. Enter 2k9 with simplified controls and realistic gameplay. Whoever says 2k9 plays fast and arcadish has not played this game the way it's meant. On normal speed setting it's the same as NHL09 maybe a little slower. The hits, dekes, superstar moves and overall presentation is much more sim than NHL09 as long as you adjust the sliders to repicate authenticity. The flow is spot on and not fast as people say unless they have the setting on fast speed. Like I mentioned, the controls have been tweaked to appeal to newcomers, but you still have the advance Pro Stick setting where you can shoot, deke, and defend with the right analog stick. Don't judge the game based on a couple of games you've played on the demo, you need to spend quality time and adjust to the gameplay and its mechanics. My only gripe is the menu text are small and looks a little antiquated. The player models are much better than last year and more detailed, unlike NHL09's pretty but unrealistically bulky player models. Animations is slick and smooth with tons of new animations. I kid you not, but in one play a left wing hard checked onto the goalie and both crashed against the net knocking it several feet away from its post, the referee manually adjust the net back in place. Details like this make this the most authentic hockey game I've ever played. Even the side camera view is finally a true to life broadcast view as it swings, zooms and iso moves back and forth like a real broadcast view, amazing. In summary, even if the masses prefer NHL09 which I personally think is too flashy and perfect in a sense that all teams play almost the same with perfect passes, and defenders being less aggressive fighting for the puck, ect. 2k9 plays and looks like a real hockey game. If NHL09 gets a average score of 9's from just about everybody, then why not 2k9 which is equally as great or better IMO. I'll be getting NHL09 when the price drops, cause the only big thing they added is the Be a Pro mode, but 2k9 is my preferred choice this year. You can give me all the thumbs down you want, but real hockey fans know what they play.