Save your time by buying NHL 09 instead of buying this piece of ****..

User Rating: 1 | NHL 2K9 PS3
NHL 09 is better than this crappy game in everyway possible. When i saw the graphics for I thought i couldve been watching NHL 2001 or something! Animations are horrible. Just look at 09's and see for yourself. This game is also easy even if put on a higher difficulty. NHL2k9 is one of the biggest arcade hockey games ive seen. 2K put no effort in this what so ever..2k should just stick with their baseball games and make another football game!! Yet again you want them to do horribly so you can laugh in their face. BUT YET AGAIN, you want your game to get better and better which is where competition comes in. We'll see guys.
Thanks for reading.

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GET NHL 09!!!
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