A half effort was given when making this game
The graphics are decent I guess for the wii, but could definitly have been better although there was a small effort made for the designs on the goalers masks.
A huge problem is that this game was half-mad. THey give the option of p^laying with older teams of the franchises but they didnt put the names of the players so it takes away all the glory of this option.
The controls are a bit clunky especially passes which seem to go backwards 3/4 of the time. Cross checking is inexistent but tripping penalties are quite common. the deckes are vague and goals are quite easy to score and most of the time either player will have a clue what happened. The fights are pretty much punching and which player can shack the wiimote the fastest. Also the acceleration of players is quite unclear as soemtimes theyll move fast but other times they wont move at all.
Overall this game had potential but only a half effort was made. Hopefully EA will make a great NHL 10 or 2K sports will fix this game and 2K10 could have great potential