While this is a fairly old game, it's one of those games you pick up and play with your buds just to see how far a system has grown. However, when me and my bud played this we couldn't help but cry. First off, the graphics are atrocious, even for their time. The ice is sub-par at best, and the play faces look like smudged art, not to say this game is a piece of art. The sound is nothing to write home about...yeah, that's all I have to say about this. The gameplay is garbage and extremely glitchy. Me and my friend got in a fight in that game, but instead of actually fighting, the players would just skate around and not fight. We thought this was a bug so we tried to quit the game...it was go glitchy, it froze upon quitting. However, now I'm starting to think that it might not be the game, but just the massive abuse I put on the game. For example, my and my friend start throwing the disc around like a frizbee, and we stomp on it like wrestlers. All and all...this game sucks. There's no light at the end of the tunnel for this game,it just sucks.
This is a real good game, for something 989 would make. It had good graphics. The player's faces were drawn neatly, the ice was good, and the game play looks realistic. The only bad thing about this game is the other tea... Read Full Review