Can Ea Sports take over the Wii Hockey "Throne" find out!
User Rating: 8.5 | NHL Slapshot WII
The thing that 2k has over Ea sports in Arcade type hockey, but don't get me wrong Ea is WAYYYYYYY better then 2k. I missed that arcade style hockey after I sold 2k10 for wii and got 10 and 11 for xbox 360, but now ITS BACK! This game is REALLY fun especially with 2 or more players. This game allows HUGGGGGGE checks, fun dekes, fast pace gameplay, and a whole lot of fun. After a while to appreciate the cartoony players Ea brought us. To tell you the truth I like the cartoony characters over the CRAPPPY 2K graphics. This game is just plain fun and awesome. It's a BIG letdown that there is no online gameplay but that doesn't matter. One thing that's cool is the Stick that comes with it and you can buy more, sometimes you may wannna use the wii remote but its still fun and VERY accurate. Basically you just flick the thing to do a wrist shot, bring it back and shoot to do a slapshot like in really life, lunge the thing forward to check, and then just regular bottons from there, A to pass, etc. Overall this is a VERY good game and I highly reccomend it.