Nick again Manages to make a HORRENDOUS game,whose only purpose in gaming is to help us appreciate good games more...
Nickelodeon Party Blast is not only a bad game,it manages to convince me games have changed little since 1983.Why?The game was not only made purley to make money,but was also made with little effort at all!
First,Graphics,I don't normally complain about visuals,but this game is UGLY!The game looks like a bad PS1 title,The backgrounds are bland and the character models vague and pixelated.
Sound: equally bad.The sound is fuzzy, even with the actual sound bytes,it's barely recognizable.
Gameplay:It doesn't merely fail it P-H-A-I-L-S!The controls are hardly what I'd call responsive,the game barely gives exposition on the objectives,and none on controls!The games are repetitive and if you played it once you sure don't want to play again! Worse is that there is no reward for suffering through the games, so it's really in vain.
Value:Even for a bargain bin price,the game simply isn't worth it,especially when the illustrious Metroid Prime is 5 dollars
Overall the game is worthless only the youngest gamers would like it even then only gullible ones,Get a VC or Mario game instead.