Canidate for the worst game ever made ... EVER!
Nick's Party Blast tries to capture the younger players with playing crappy mini games like food fight (and much more) using it's Nicktoons. The only good thing about that is that you get to play as Gir and Zim from Invader Zim (which I adore) , but thats about it really. There is no purpose in playing this game alone or with anyone. If you're tying to play this game on single player , you really don't unlock anything if you play through the game. The most you'd get is prizes , that's about it. No unlockables you say? Where's the fun in that. Multiplayer mode is no expection as well. Most likely , you'd get bored of it within the next 1-5 minutes.
Now let's talk about those amazing graphics that changed gaming forever (i'm kidding!)! Wow it so horrid there's no word for it.. Theres so many framerate problems that it makes you wonder how long did it take to make this game? One or two days? We may never know and I don't want to know. When you are trying to jump , it's seems as if you float in mid air. On top of that there are the countless glitches that would probably make your eyes bleed ( and I'm pretty sure I saw blood running down my face!). Maybe Nick's Party Blast is to blame.
Not only will Party Blast make your eyes bleed but your ears well. I mean seriously , the sound/soundtrack is so choppy , so horrid , so unbearable that it sounds as if it was made for a NES game. I mean I would understand it was for a NES game but it's not , it's a GC game. There is no excuse and thus giving more of an excuse to blame the sound editors for this game. But since it's made by Atari , it makes perfect sense right?
Well, this game is bargain. It will only cost you maybe 5-10 dollars used but then again , you could have used that money for better things like food or getting Metriod Prime (since it's only 5 dollars to begin with). I know it seems appealing for your children , nephew, or brother but don't bother. Mostly likely they will hate it. There are better games outthere and Nick's Party Blast isn't one of them.
Gameplay: (1) It's THAT boring.
Graphics: (1) Let's not mention this again.
Sound: (1) Best soundtrack of all time ... -_-
Value: (2) I know it's cheap but it's still not worth it.
Tilt: (1) abysmal .
Score: 1.2 (the worst rating I've ever given for a game)