I really wish there were more games like Nier, the game is so good and so fresh it's a testament to how the games industry has lost it's way, Nier just comes in and shows everyone how to make a game into a unique delightful experience that reminded me of why i chose to play games, why i became a gamer in the first place, whether it's the action packed dynamic combat system it has that's simple but not shallow in any way, or maybe the ever-changing gameplay style that always has a surprise for you around the corner (from a text-RPG to a Diablo style level), keeps things fresh and challenges genre conventions, or maybe the amazing music which i can call with passion "The Best OST" in any game to date (Oh, the moment you go out to the first large area of the game and "Hill of Radiant Winds" starts playing you will know why i called it that), or maybe it's the mystery surrounding the story and world, or maybe the very eccentric yet relatble cast of characters (and what's more relatble than a father ready to fight the whole world to save his daughter from a terminal illness), or maybe the excellent voice acting and the ever-amusing never-boring banter between the characters in-game (specially the main character and his flying magic book) which was more of a reason to attempt as many quests as possible as they trigger those in-game conversations etc etc etc.
If you haven't played Nier do yourself a favor a play it now, it's a gem of a game and has be unjustly brought down by graphics-whores and simplistic minded official reviewers, take the people's word for it and ignore all those "official reviews" that rated it down, you won't regret it.
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