people probably give up within the first 30mins after this game, shame coz the game shines about an hour into the game
the fights are simply done, nothing complicated bout the system, standard zelda type of fight system, the magic is awesome, your character and the bosses
the graphics is abit hard to describe, during the game play the graphics fail to impress, but when its a video cut scene the graphics is alot better, nothing ground breaking though
the fighting is satisfying, but what shines the most in my opinion is the boss battles, epic everytime, this is what Raiden the aeroplane game would be like if it was an RPG game, the bosses will generously spray bullets and magic at you, and you will dodge them just like you would in the raiden game now that is ground breakingly new
and like everyone says side missions should be avoided, it does nothing, boring and repetitive, and the fishing missions is plain aweful
and what bugs me, which doesn't seem to bug much people is that the 'shades' they look like corrupted nintendo games random square shapes that doesn't resemble anything
but everyone should give this game a fair go it has its faults but the game is fun to play simply coz the flaws are in the mid section bad, where as the good stuff really really shines