NieR is a beautiful adventure that you should not miss.
- Dated Graphics:
While the graphics isn't horrible, it might feel dated. People who play JRPGs usually don't care about the graphics though.
- Inconsistent Difficulty:
I played on Hard Mode and it started out challenging, boss fights were dramatic (maybe even a little too long for average audience).
However the game gets easier because of the weapon upgrades and the significant Defense/HP boost you get per level up. As a result, the important fights later on were too easy to make you feel their epic-ness. So do yourself a favor and at least put the game on Hard.
Onto the good:
- Gameplay:
NieR has a solid hack n' slash gameplay as long as you don't compare it with Action titles like DMC, GoW, NG or Bayonetta, it's an JRPG after all. What makes the gameplay standout is that, it incorporated other genres aside from hack n' slash. Top-down shooter, shoot-em up, side-scrolling action, puzzle, survival horror, etc. Though these moments were short, it really keeps things fresh and makes the story more memorable.
- Music:
It's the best I've heard (in a video game). The music of NieR fits its story very well, and definitely plays a vital role in absorbing the audience into the game world. 90% of the tracks are vocalized with lyrics ranging from English, to French, to Gaelic, to Japanese, to some other made-up language. Get the OST while you're at it.
- Story (Main Theme):
In short, the story makes you think, makes you laugh, and makes you cry (if you let it). So if you don't want to know anything about the plot you can skip this part, it probably makes it a better experience since I didn't know anything about this game when i made the purchase.
The central theme of the game is a father's love for his daughter. But that is only the small picture (The Emotional Side), as you progress through the game (and the new game+s), you gain subtle hints about the bigger picture (The Intellectual Side): the overall setting, history, and the other perspective. In a sense, when you finish the game, you only solved half of the puzzle. But that half is enough to serve as an end to the theme of the game because the game focused on The Emotional Side. The feeling is the same as if you finish a story and wanted to see a prequel that explains the past and the other side of the story. And to satisfy that curiosity a collector's book is out there called Grimoire Nier that explains everything in great detail.
- Story (Side Quests)
Just do them, most of them have good stories and they're definitely not tedious as some reviewers have called them pointless fetch-quests, sigh. I finished the first play through all of the side quests completed in less than 45 hours on Hard Mode. So reviews talking about hundreds hours of grinding and fetching is just ridiculous.
- Story (Characters, Voice Acting)
This review is getting a little too long, so for this section I'm just gonna say you're going to get attached to the characters. Their appeal isn't lost in the North America localization unlike most JRPGs because the voice acting here is simply superb.
I can ramble on and on about the game but that's all you need for now. Thank you for reading.
...For those who are still reading this is my first review and I really wanna say it's the first game I bothered to review because its such an underrated gem and I just want to get the word out that it's an excellent RPG for everyone who loves good stories. Thanks again for reading.