If you enjoy multiple quests and endless enemies, then you will like this game.
The basic storyline is this: You are a father who is trying to find a cure for the Black Scrawl sickness that has taken over your daughter. As you do many quests to find the cure, you come across the main enemies of this world, the Shades. You never really know what the shades are (until the final part of the game) but they attack with no pity and come in various shapes and sizes. Some even have projectile magic attacks that can be a big pain. But the main course of fighting is the hack and slash style with a small bonus. Early in the game you get Grimoire Weiss, a magic book with a weird personality. This book will follow you around and you can attack with a variety of magic. These magic attacks will be the difference between surviving Boss battles and ending up dead.
The Boss battles are really a lot of fun as some are larger than the screen and most will test every ability you have. But they hold the Sealed Verses which will enable the player to save his daughter so they must be defeated. The normal fighting can feel repetitive but they enable the player to find many different item drops so he can complete quests and enhance weapons. There are different styles of attacking: Single hand sword, 2 hand sword and spear. I prefer the faster single handed sword and got my weapon to level 3 which enabled me to slice easily through most enemies.
The many quests are mostly pointless quests to get some money or special items. However some are worth the effort as they yield very useful items and some are required for the storyline. However, they mostly serve to get some EXP in fighting loads of enemies to finish the mission. It would seem as if the developers really wanted to make the quests important but they failed. They are fun and can be rewarding sometimes but some truthfully weren't worth the effort.
The game itself was fun because I enjoy the hack N slash routine and the Boss battles were fun. This is not the top quality RPG that we know from SquareEnix but it was worth playing. The personalities of the player and his comrades were great. I don't think I have heard so much swearing from characters in a game before.