"Factory Work: The Computer Game" -- Bloody Brilliant!
You are a factory worker, working in the factory of "Industrial Might and Logic" (a play on words based on Lucas' spin-off special effects company "Industrial Light and Magic"). What does the factory design? Star Wars action figures, of course. Except they are life size, and made in all different, albeit inappropriate colors. Frankly, I don't know who would buy red and blue stormtroopers and Darth Vaders. Perhaps the completists. But they wouldn't even be fit for Steven Sansweet's mega collectio of everything Star Wars!
In the beginning, it's easy, you have to pull a few levers, run around a bit, see if everything in the automated assembly line is working. As the game progresses, your workload becomes more complex, and every system becomes increasingly more likely to break down from time to time.
If your output is good, you get an increasingly nicer place to live (from hovel to mansion, it's the American dream!). I've heard you can become the CEO of the company in the end, but after a while, I simply stopped caring. As a hardcore Star Wars fan, I couldn't bring myself to make multi-colored stormtroopers, so I simply stopped playing. One nice thing I can say is, the gamebox has some nice graphics on it, and is a nice collector's item for that much. Unless you are a diehard Lucasarts/Star Wars fan and completist, I wouldn't recommend this oldie.