Arguably biased, but I love this game! Basically you interact, minimally, with a "B" horror film.

User Rating: 7.5 | Night Trap SCD
There are several reasons I feel the way I do about "Night Trap". Some of the strongest influences have to do with the fact that I grew up watching USA "Up All Night" (remember? with Rhonda?) and I've seen so many horrible "b" films that I can't help but love it. The other reason stems from the fact that I was 10 years old when this game came out, and say what you will, but this game was awesome. We didn't have a ratings system (although this game was partially why we did) and I was just getting comfortable with a 3-button controller (which was a leap from the 2-button Nintendo). Yep, this was the peak of my Genesis days.

The idea is simple, almost boring compared to today's games, and you will find yourself rolling your eyes every step of the way. Basically there are 5 girls going to a lake house in the middle of nowhere (because that's what teenage girls do). Well this house has had a bunch of disappearances (obviously!) and so the SCAT (Sega/Special Control Attack Team depending on your version) has found a bunch of traps in the house and hacked in to give you control. The object of the game is to watch the action on the 8 given room cameras (you can freely switch rooms, but you can only watch one at a time) and anytime someone gets near a trap, a bar on the screen goes from green to red. When it's red, quickly push a single button (I think it's B on every version, even the PC) and the person is trapped. To give you a little more interaction, you have to listen in and find out the color that the family is using as a "trap access code" and make sure you've got it set to the right color or the traps won't listen to you. That's it! Basically, you watch and trap.

Depending on how you play games, this can have a replay value (especially your first five times through) of either high or not at all. There is never a situation where an enemy is in two different places at the same time (although times can come close and I don't THINK with the access time to switch cameras, that you can catch everyone, but you can get darn close). Back when the game came out, many people were writing down times and rooms, but that's no fun, because essentially you're just being a complete robot and going through the motions. I prefer to play the game a few times, get to know the story, get to know the critical moments, get an idea of the flow, then I go through and try to beat the game. It's like Dead Rising, you need to go through the game at least a couple times to get the feel for it. Plus side, the game can only last up to 25 minutes (total time for the game, both discs).

The novelty of a full movie game was HUGE back when this came out. Couple that with the controversial "potential rape" scene (which is so far from it, you'll laugh out loud, but back in the day it was a big deal) and this game has gone down in the history books. It's so tame by today's audience that I find it hard to understand why the sexual innuendos and violence of Heavenly Sword got a T rating but this still holds the heavy M rating. Oddly enough, back when it was rated the argument was that it was too similar to movies, nowadays that same argument would probably earn it an E, as it has no swearing, blood (you see a Popsicle that is later revealed to be blood, but otherwise there is none), or nudity (a girl in her nightie...really? that's nudity, really?).

If you're a nostalgic gamer and you like the idea of FMV, this may be worth picking up if you have a local used video game store nearby. If you have a Genesis, to get this and a Sega cd should run you only about $50, and at least half that will be the Sega cd. eBay can also make this a relatively small retro investment. Otherwise, you'll treat this just as you have all other Sega cd games, as a mistake you wish to forget about.