I don't see why many Saturn owners consider NiGHTS the best. It's great, no doubt, but I don't think of it as God.

User Rating: 7.4 | NiGHTS into Dreams... (w/Sega Multi Controller) SAT
Gameplay: This is one of Sonic Team's most famous games, other then Sonic games. NiGHTS features a game of flying in dream worlds. You play as a creature named NiGHTS that appears in people's dreams. There's a boy and a girl that have trouble in their lives, so NiGHTS appears in their dreams and helps them out. But while helping out, the Evil Wizeman is trying to doom Nightopia. So NiGHTS and the two children help out to defeat Wizeman. To do this, the kids have to collect spheres for each course you play. You transform into NiGHTS and fly in a 2D camera view in a 3D world. However, don't think of the entire game as a 2D thing. NiGHTS will often transformer into different objects in order to proceed forward. So sometimes the game can be played in 3D. After you beat each course, you battle bosses, which have different strategies in order to defeat them. There's a total of 8 courses in the game. (one which is played twice) You can play the game in any order. While all of the techniques in the game are pretty nice, it isn't really considered revolutionary in the world of video games. Graphics: This is a Saturn game, and for now, it looks like NiGHTS will always stay on here. If you're one of those Sonic Team fans waiting for Sonic Team to remake NiGHTS for Gamecube or something, don't hold your breath for it. I think it will remain on the Saturn for now. So You'll have to deal with some of the graphical issues in the game. The game has average graphics for a Saturn game, but the game does features some colorful environments that you might see in dreams. There is some framerate slowdown in certain areas, sadly. So, this game isn't beautiful, even for a Saturn game. Sound: The game features a mix of happy and cheerful music that you would find in a Sonic game. But this game also features some dramatic and opera-like music in boss battles and cutscenes. Overall, the music is quite good. Fans of Sonic Team games might like the music here. Conclusion: Sonic Team could have done better on this game, but this game is still pretty solid no doubt. This game isn't for everyone, that's for sure. After playing the 8 courses, you might start to get a bit bored on it. This game is mostly for Sonic Team fans and Saturn owners. Sonic Team did a pretty good job programing on the Saturn for the first time by giving us this game, but this game isn't really worthy, even though I'm a Sonic fan, and like some of Sonic Team's other games.