NiGHTs.s return from a ten year slumber
User Rating: 7 | NiGHTS: Hoshi Furu Yoru no Monogatari WII
Nights where have you been the past ten years. I know that since nights into dreams, nights was in various games including sonic ones but finally after a long wait for a sequel we get one. This game stays on the concept of the original of which you can explore the dreamy lands or fly though rings like the old times and has a reactive my dream world that changes by the type of characters you catch while flying whether nightmaren or nightopian,plus the game reacts to the weather that is said on the wii's weather channel. Some bad points are the following: 1. The annoying owl as a helper 2. The wii remote "mindsight" control scheme
3. The boss battles.
These points aside it is a good game and a happy return to NiGHTs.
If you missed out on the original nights then look on auction websites or your games shops that sell retro games because the original nights was brilliant in it's time
Dream well everyone