Inspiring and Frustrating... in a good way.
(i dont want to spoil the people with the storyline...)
like the previous shinobi, pretty much is the same, except for the kicks, yes the triangle button is now for kicks and R1 is for shurikens, the difference of the kicks? well ALOT, the "kicks" makes nightshade more difficult than shinobi, so if they say that this is shinobi for the girls, well use "kick" on them! haha
the primary use of the kick is to penetrate the foes defenses (armored bugs) so imagine you are in a bottomless pit and and the only way across is through these hard bugs, but don't let that just fool you, overall combinations of jumping, slashing, wall running, dashing and focus will be the key to your victory, and because she is a female, she is more agile and has three swords.
yes three swords, two raphael like blades and an akujiki type weapon, but the easier part of this game is that it doesn't drain your soul because you don't have an akujiki, but don let that fool you, i find her combos better, sharper deadlier and even graceful.
the neat unlockables are also a bonus but my favorite part was the extra costume 2 of hibana which was deadly, and made me play the difficult game one more time.
so enough of my review, go play it!
that was long! whew
it's just not my day... (o.o)\m/