User Rating: 7.8 | Ninety-Nine Nights X360
A gem has been split into two, but how? Was it the humans or the orks? You'll have to play 99 NIGHTS to find out, but after this you'll probally won't care. 99NIGHTS could have been a great game, but the devolepers halfed this game. the main catch is the point of fighting hundreds of enemies at once, but that's where 99 NIGHTS comes close to an end in greatness. You start off with only INPHYY after beating her story you'll unlock two more fighters (this should give you an idea of what'll happen after you beat their story.) Anyway. INPHYY has 5 or 6 levels in her story, yeah that's it, and other charecters has less. But don't think you'll finish this game over the weekend, because this game is hard! You'll be screaming at the game due to the point that this game cheats! For the love of games, will somebody do something about the AI! Your followers are retarded! They'll die and you will not even care. Before each level you can chose to bring archers, infatry, heavy infatry, and/or pikemen to the fight. This is great for stratagy, but since you can take out a whole army you'll stop careing after awhile. Each charecter has their own fighting style, this saves the game from the repatative gameplay, lazy levels, linear paths, crappy enemies, and poor voice-overs. there's little prerendered cut scenes and the ending for the charecters sucks! There's no live support which means, no new levels, weapons, or enemies. This is sad, because with an ok story nice looking combos and length of battles, was looking forward to this game so much I preordered it, but got little bang for my buck. 99 NIGHTS could have been a great game but it stops at big battles. Its worth a rent or you can buy a used copy.