For one of the first games on the 360 it proved its worth with stunning player graphics... but let down by its gameplay.
The game "Borrows" many different elements from games such as Dynasty Warriors and Kingdom underfire, and at some points can be mistaken as one of the two. I am usually quite a sucker for these kind of games and tend to find myself playing them on the occasion since they are usually simple and fun.
N3 combines beat-em ups with general warfare, where your goal throughout the missions is to defeat enemy leaders, capture strongholds or whatever but after a while becomes quite a bore. By the end of the game once you have leveled up and become twice as powerful as you were already in the first place, battles become something of a button mash, though whilst button mashing you pull off fairly spectacular moves.
The graphics are the games strongest point, and visual elements do make a game more playable, but a game with weak gameplay, all other elements are destroyed leaving you angry with the money you just spent on a game not worth getting. Most games seem to be big on the idea of multiple achievements that you unlock, yet this game has only 10-11 achievments to unlock which involve just generally beating the game as one of the main characters.
The game has as always a typical japanese element to it, which you always notice by the scarily young girl called Inphyy who you play as who is only seventeen years old, with massive breasts and a rear which is only just covered up by the cloak on her back. These are a few things that sometimes make you want to stay away from these games in case you become framed as someone who loves hentai *Cough* DOAX Volleyball *Cough* but i gaurantee anyone who loves dynasty warriors wont be much dissapointed of this "Clone".
A good game with some good elements... just tireing repetative gameplay.