Large Scales Battles for the hack and slash fan.
As stated, you'll fight on numerous battlefields against hundreds of foes using various moves to kill as many as possible to move on. Though combat does quickly fall to the hack and slash button mashing, many of the final attacks are a thrill to pull off as you can kill hundreds in one blow.
The game is painfully short and sometimes can be very frustrating as attacks on enemies sometimes fail to even damage them, or on some occasions, enemies will block for minutes on hand.
Graphics: Rather simple for a 360 game, you'll find out quickly that the fog of war that prevails in so many other games of this type has returned.
Sound: The music itself is very well done, with a rather haunting melody. Though the battle sounds itself tend to repeat over and over.
Control: Rather simple in design. Jump, power attack, weak attack, etc. are all assigned to a button.
Fun Factor: While its fun to destroy vast hordes of enemies across areas ranging from canyon desserts to snowy castles, it does feel the same as each character usually plays through the same area.
Final Word: For those who enjoyed Dynasty Warriors, etc. I would recommend this game for a try, though only the die hard hack and slash fans should buy it. Rent it, and play it for its quick fun.