Wait, What?

User Rating: 1.5 | Ninety-Nine Nights X360
God-Forbidden voice-acting, stupid infantry AI and poor squad-commading....this game is one of the most annoying I've played. Better than Dynasty Warriors, but then again that's not saying much.

Good: Interesting combos and attacks, art style behind each is impressive; Massive amounts of enemies onscreen, Graphics are decent, Custom Soundtracks; the ability to leave your squad behind and go solo (intentionally)

Bad: Stupid A.I. (why does it take 200 squad members so long to kill a single goblin?); Horrible Squad-Commands, Repetitive fighting, even after level-ups.

Abysmal: Voice Acting, character names (Inphyy?? Aspharr?? What the **** man?)

Do not, under any circumstances, play this game. Even if you're dying for a hack and slash, this won't even save you. I don't care how many enemies are on screen, it's worth nothing.